“If music be the food of love, play on.” William Shakespeare
Ancient philosophers believed that celestial bodies were made of a fifth element, the quinta essentia, a Latin phrase meaning ‘fifth essence’, as they thought the earth was made of four elements, air, fire, water and earth. Alchemists tried to combine these to find the fifth essence of life that permeates all nature. Ibiza is the place to find the quintessence of things, where the magnetism of nature merges with the sophistication of contemporary life.
Inspired by Ibiza’s unique spirit, we dedicate the first issue of 2019 to the quintessence of things and to those who are always searching for the quinta essentia. We have filled BMI:MAG pages with a visual feast of creative imagery where art plays a big part – fine art photographer and haute couture visionary Cathleen Naundorf graces our cover and pages with her quintessentially mesmerising shots.
This summer Blue Marlin Ibiza is off to a flying start as the ultimate entertainment concept, capturing the fifth element formula with musical innovation, promising a line-up of high-calibre DJs, carefully selected from the global electronic music scene. Blue Marlin Ibiza will take the audience to the cutting edge of musical revolution and entertainment.
Blue Marlin Ibiza, your scene.